The Valley Bands Boosters provide visibility, communication and support for the band programs at Valley High School and Valley Southwoods Freshman HIgh School with resources that ensure growth and development for all students.

We want to enlighten, excite, and educate the participation of our students through music!

The Valley Band Boosters is an organization dedicated to supporting the band students at Valley High School and Valley Southwoods.  You are automatically a member of the booster club just because you have a student in one of these band programs.

The Valley Band Boosters greatest asset is its people and their vast talents, abilities, time and resources.  We would like to encourage you to get involved, in big ways or in small, and help support the fantastic work done in the Valley Band department.  We assist with a wide variety of needs.  For example, assisting the students with dressing before performances, moving the equipment for performances, and running Valleyfest.  We raise funds for the band department and we help students raise funds for their individual band accounts.