Valleyfest XLV was held on Saturday, October 12, 2024. This marks the 45th consecutive year that the Valley Bands have hosted the best high school marching bands from Iowa and surrounding states in an exciting day of marching excellence.
Thank you for your continued support of your student and marching band activities throughout Iowa and the Midwest.
Valleyfest Gear
Did you get all the Valleyfest apparel you were looking for? We’ve got you covered.
Our Online Store is open only for a limited time.
October 21-30.
Valleyfest XLV Results
Click To Donate
Valley Bands
We can’t make Valleyfest happen without an army of volunteers. We need roughly 500 volunteers to pull off this event! We need help with parking , crowd control, concessions, and a ton of other things.
We also provide the visiting judges and other VIPs lunch, dinner, and snacks throughout the day. The hospitality committee is providing the main parts to the meal, but we ask the band families to help donate food as well. Please consider donating one, or a few, items on the list.